Cooking Appliances 101
Rangetop with custom cabinet design.
A rangetop is an appliance that only has burners would usually be categorized into the higher end “professional” appliances. These are usually gas or propane fueled with a flame. The front of the rangetop sits proud to a cabinet that is built to accommodate the specifications of the appliance. The front has knobs that you would see on a professional style range. The burners may all have the same BTU output or they may vary. The BTU output controls the strength of the gas flame created.
Generally rangetops come in widths 30”, 36” , 48” or 60”. 36” rangetops and above can have griddle or grill features in addition to burners. Every brand will vary on what features that they offer on different models.
Like the rangetop – is for top only cooking, Cooktops can be flame burners, induction cooking or electric burners. The cooktop sits on top of the counter and the controls are on top also – you do not see any controls on the face of the cabinet. The cabinet will likely need to be built or modified for the specifications of the cooktop – just like the rangetop. Also, the counter will need to be fabricated for the cooktop to be installed on top of the counter. A cooktop option would be less than a rangetop.
Cooktop application with custom cabinetry.
Typical 48” Range
A range is an appliance that features both oven(s) and rangetop cooking functions. Ranges come in sizes 24”, 30’, 36”, 48” and 60” generally for the US market. European ranges may have different widths based on different standards and based on metric. Totally depends on the brands.
Range ovens can be either gas/propane or electric fuel. Common thoughts are that electric heat if better for baking and gas is better for meats. Do your research and know if you want your ovens to be gas or electric heat. 24”-36” ranges will typically have just have a single oven. Obviously the wider the range the larger the oven. 48” width ranges in the US market with have 1 smaller width oven and 1 larger oven – 2 separate ovens spaces total. Then the 60” range will also have 2 ovens, but they are typically even in size.
The term dual fuel range means that the oven portion is electric fuel and the burners are gas. These typically are more expensive than a single fuel range that has both gas fueled oven and burners.
The European range market has more interesting options with ranges than the US market. You can have ranges custom built for you or they have ranges that have smaller variable size ovens. Also, some brands you can have both gas and electric ovens. You will not see these likely at your local appliance store. I totally recommend research French, British and Italian ranges. When you get into the professional grade ranges they are very expensive knowing all your options not just the ones on a showroom floor is something to consider. Also the European ranges tend to be more of an artistic piece on their own along with being functional.
Built-In Ovens
Double wall ovens installed in a custom cabinet
Built-in ovens -also referred to as wall ovens - can be a single oven and double oven combos. There may be brands that have oven and microwave combos. These types of ovens are “built-in” – they need to have a customized or custom built cabinet to be installed. Different brands have different features and functions. The downside – like any appliance that requires a cabinet – is that the appliance is installed into a cabinet. Cabinetry – like appliances – are budget busters. Also, if the oven/ovens break down and need to be fixed – they have to be removed from the cabinetry which may cause damage to your cabinetry (it does happen). Also, say the oven(s) actually break to the point where it is not cost effective to repair – then you may or may not be able to find replacements that work with your cabinetry.
Microwave drawer installed in custom base cabinet
Microwaves are typically: drawer, built-in or freestanding. The drawer microwaves are pretty popular today with new kitchen designs – getting the microwave into a base cabinet where it is not visual is a popular option.
The above the range microwave should just disappear as an option for any kitchen remodel or update (bias – yeah – but the microwave in any kitchen should not be a focal point and they really do not do anything about exhaust).
Built-in microwaves are typically installed into a tall cabinet perhaps above a wall oven.
Freestanding microwaves can sit on a shelf, an opening in a cabinet, or on the counter. These come in all sizes and are less expensive than the drawer microwaves that can approach $2000 or even the built-in ones.
Believe it or not – some people choose not to install microwaves into their new kitchens. You can live without a microwave and more than you think people do choose not to have one. If you use a microwave to cook popcorn and heat up water – do you want to take up budget $ and space for one?
Warming Drawers
Warming drawers are built in appliances that keep cooked food warm. These often end up as basically a storage drawer. Talk to people you know who have one and get their feedback on how often it gets used.